Today's coupons and deals on AdSpy valid from March till April 2025

AdSpy Exclusive $50 Off Discount Coupon First Two Months

Code Expires N/A
Use the coupon AW50 to get $50 discount on your first T...More

Use the coupon AW50 to get $50 discount on your first TWO months with AdSpy.

  • Includes Free Trial

AW50 Get Code
97.1 % Success

$100 AdSpy Coupon ($50 Discount First 2 Months)

Code Expires N/A
Use our coupon AW50 to get $100 total discount on AdSpy...More

Use our coupon AW50 to get $100 total discount on AdSpy ($50 discount for the first 2 months).

  • If you only want to try 1 month, use coupon AW75 to get $75 for 1 month

AW50 Get Code
96.3 % Success

AdSpy 1000 Views Free Credits

Code Expires N/A
Use our link to get 1000 views free credits with AdSpy ...More

Use our link to get 1000 views free credits with AdSpy so you can fully test their platform + $50 discount coupon.

  • limited to 1 per person

AW50 Get Code
96.8 % Success

$150 AdSpy Coupon (Save $50 for 3 months)

Code Expires N/A
Use our coupon to save $50 per month on AdSpy for the f...More

Use our coupon to save $50 per month on AdSpy for the first 3 months Less

AW50 Get Code
97.3 % Success

Free Trial on AdSpy + $75 Discount

Code Expires N/A
Get a free trial on AdSpy to try out the best FB spy to...More

Get a free trial on AdSpy to try out the best FB spy tool + $75 discount on the first month. No need to enter a coupon, just use our link to sign up for AdSpy.   Less

AW75 Get Code
93.6 % Success

AdSpy $75 Discount Coupon Code

Code Expires N/A
Use the coupon AW75 to get $75 discount on your first m...More

Use the coupon AW75 to get $75 discount on your first month with AdSpy.

  • Free Trial included

AW75 Get Code
99.8 % Success

AdSpy Black Friday 2024 Promo $75 Off + Free Trial

Code Expires N/A
Use our coupon to get $75 discount on AdSpy during Blac...More

Use our coupon to get $75 discount on AdSpy during Black Friday Less

AW75 Get Code
93.7 % Success

Get started with AdSpy and score 1000 views at no charge

Deal Expires N/A
Visit our link to create a AdSpy account for free, then...More

Visit our link to create a AdSpy account for free, then:

  • Verify email address
  • Get 1000 views as a sign-up perk

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96.6 % Success

AdSpy Black Friday 2024 Discount $50 OFF Coupon

Deal Expires N/A
Use our link or coupon code to get $50 off AdSpy during...More

Use our link or coupon code to get $50 off AdSpy during Black Friday 2024 Less

Get Deal
96.9 % Success

Try AdSpy for yourself from $99/mo

Deal Expires N/A
Click our link today to shift to a paid AdSpy subscript...More

Click our link today to shift to a paid AdSpy subscription for only $99 Less

Get Deal
95.5 % Success

AdSpy Coupon Review 2025

Coupon Code 2023

Check out the most complete, in-depth review on AdSpy covering all features with screenshots, plus exclusive coupons as a bonus. Find out everything you need to know about AdSpy and you will quickly learn that AdSpy is the must-have tool in your advertising arsenal.

Keep in mind that AdSpy is not a spy tool for Native Ads, but only for Facebook and Instagram. If you are looking for the best native ad spy tool, you should try Anstrex Coupon.

Recently, a new AdSpy competitor emerged called Minea, which is gaining a lot of traction. Immediately after logging in, you will determine that AdSpy's powerful search system,  is the superior tool to spy on your competitor's ads.

For example, the first thing you see is the incredible amount of search filters(21) at your disposal.

Search Filters
AdSpy Search Filters

After selecting your initial filters, you'll get tons of ad results from their massive 175 million ads database, which you can narrow down further by entering additional search filters like Created Between, Seen Between, Gender, Ages, Daily Likes, Total Likes, and more.

Finally, you can sort the results by Date, amount of Likes, or other emotions, and more.

Furthermore, you have the ability to save the search results as a bookmark so you can easily do the repeat the search any time at a later stage, without having to configure the search filters again. Continue down this epic review where we dive deeper into each AdSpy feature.

After completion, you will learn why AdSpy outperforms all its competitors as a Facebook Ads Spy Tool. Soon, you will also be rapidly scaling your business by finding the best Facebook & Instagram ads from your competitors and improve them to create mind-blowing Ad campaigns.

Table of content

  1. $75 AdSpy Coupon
  2. Demo Video
  3. Features
    1. Search Filters
    2. Ads  Sorting Methods
    3. Save Searches
    4. Ad Campaign Details
      1. Ads from the same advertiser
      2. Facebook Ad Post
      3. Ad Creative
      4. Likes over Time
      5. Landing pages
      6. Outgoing Links & Redirects
      7. Demographics
    5. Unique Feature #1: Search By Affiliate ID
    6. Unique Feature #2: Search By Affiliate Network Offers
    7. Unique Feature #3: Landing Page Technology Details
  4. Pricing Plans
  5. Discount Coupon Codes
  6. Refund Policy
  7. AdSpy Benefits
  8. AdSpy Disadvantages
  9. AdSpy Competitors
  10. Exclusive Bonus
  11. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
  12. Conclusion

Two AdSpy Discount Coupons

Coupon Code 2023

At the moment we can offer you two different discount coupons:

  • AW75 to get $75 discount coupon for the first month = $75 total discount
  • ADSPY100 to get $50 discount coupon for the first two months = $100 total discount
  • AW50 to get $50 discount coupon for the first three months = $150 total discount

For example, if you just wanna try it for one month then you should use the AW75  discount coupon to get $75 off for the first month only.

However, if you are sure you will use AdSpy for a longer period then you should use the coupon code AW50 to get a $50 discount for the first three months, which means a total of $150 discount.

Obviously, most people would choose the $75 coupon thinking it is the highest discount, but if you want to take advantage of the biggest total discount you should take the AW50 coupon to get the best deal for AdSpy.

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AdSpy Demo

Coupon Code 2023

Take a look at this AdSpy Demo Video to give you an impression of how this incredible ads spy tool works. Step-by-step you will learn how AdSpy uncovers the vast amount of ads from your competitors.

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AdSpy Features

AdSpy has tons of features like 21 filters and sorting methods of ads. It also has a dozen unique features that are not available with AdSpy's competitors.

AdSpy's Unique features

  • Bypasses Cloakers
  • Search Through Comments
  • Search By Affiliate ID
  • Search By Affiliate Network Offers
  • Filter by Technologies
  • Smart Filters :
    • How Do People React?
    • When Was Ad Last Seen?

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Which Search Filters Do You Have With AdSpy?

Coupon Code 2023

Equipped with a very extensive filter system, AdSpy allows you to filter the ads by the following: Ad Text, Comments, Advertiser Name, URL, Landing Page URL, Landing Page Text, Site Type, Gender, Ages, Daily Likes, Total Likes, Media Type, Created Between, Seen Between, Networks, Affiliate, Advertiser, Technologies, Countries, Language.

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Ad Sorting Methods

You can sort the ads in the AdSpy search results by Date, Likes, Love, Haha, Wow, Sad, Angry, Shares, and Longest Running.

Here's an example we did when searching for "dog" and sorted by Likes.

We found an ad with an unbelievable 2 million likes, 88k comments, and 46k shares.

As you can see, you don't need to copy this exact ad, but you can clearly see how this type of ad creates a massive amount of engagement and therefore will lower your CPC's. Use this method in any type of industry and you will dominate your competitors.

Only with AdSpy, you will be able to uncover these type of ads.

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Save Searches

Coupon Code 2023

If you would like to keep monitoring a search results page in AdSpy, you can save the search and look for updates at a later time. Clearly, this is a very useful AdSpy feature, so you do not have to keep configuring the same search filters all the time. Surprisingly, most AdSpy competitors do not have this feature.

Save all your search filters and it even saves the sorting method.

Easily select one of your saved searches anytime

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Ad Campaign Details

Coupon Code 2023 After you found an ad in AdSpy that you like, there are a few things you can do:
  1. Click on the Facebook page name to view other ads from this advertiser page.
  2. Click on the Arrow in the top right corner to view the actual post on Facebook.
  3. Click on the Info icon in the top right corner to view detailed information about the ad.

View the actual ad on Facebook

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Other ads from this advertiser's page

You can sort these ads again by likes to see which ones are the most popular.

Here you see more popular ads from the same advertiser

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Facebook Ad Post

Coupon Code 2023

Clicking on the arrow will bring you to the Facebook ad post. Sometimes the ad will not be accessible anymore on Facebook because the advertiser deleted the post.

Ad Creative

The Ad Creative section on the details page allows you to label the ad itself so you can group ads together to review them in AdSpy at a later stage.

Coupon Code 2023

Furthermore, you can click on View Best Comments and AdSpy will show the most popular reactions from people that viewed the ad.

View Best Comments

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Likes over time

This part of AdSPy is very interesting to see how the Likes over time evolved.

Landing pages

This section displays all the landing pages with screenshots that were found for the ad creative. If AdSpy is showing multiple Landing Pages, chances are that the advertiser is A/B testing landing pages.

Landing Page #1

Landing Page #2

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On top, you will see the final URL of the ad campaign, and directly beneath are the outgoing links that were found on the landing pages. If you click on Redirects, AdSpy will also show which redirect URLs were found for the outgoing links. This is especially useful if you wanna see the tracking domains of affiliate links.

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Coupon Code 2023

In the demographics section, you can see what kind of audience it targeted like Gender, Country, and Age Groups. I'm curious to find out how AdSpy is able to get this kind of data.

The Demographics section display diagrams of Gender, Countries, and Age Groups

AdSpy's Unique Feature #1: Search by Affiliate ID

First, the Affiliate ID filter is a very powerful one. For instance, if you see someone pushing a crypto or skin offer on an affiliate network you can look for his Affiliate ID and then use AdSpy to find his other ads and landing pages in other Geo's.

AdSpy Search Form

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AdSpy''s Unique Feature #2: Affiliate Network Offers

Coupon Code 2023 Second, another unique feature of AdSpy is that they even show the offers with offer ID's and the affiliate network for some ads, as you can see below:

Affiliate Network Offers

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AdSpy's Unique Feature #3: Landing Page Technology Details

Third, one of AdSpy's best unique features is that they show very detailed information about the landing page details that are used.

For instance, AdSpy shows the information on the following details: Web Server, Hosting Providers, Email Services, SSL Certificate, Content Management Systems, Advertising, Analytics and Tracking, JavaScript Libraries, Audio/Video Media, Payment Providers, Shopify, Widgets, Content Delivery Network, Mobile, Aggregation Functionality, Language, CSS Media Queries.

With this in mind, you can choose to filter ads that have Shopify or Amazon as Landing Page Technology to find ads for e-commerce stores.  In particular useful for dropshipping businesses.

Learn more on the page AdSpy Technology Filter for the full list of technologies that you can filter in AdSpy. This is in addition to the screenshots and redirects chains for the outgoing links.


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Pricing Plans

AdSpy has 1 simple pricing plan giving you unlimited access to the Ad Spy Tool. Use our link or AdSpy coupon to save ✅$75 on the normal price of $149 per month.

Using our coupon code you get a $100 discount (Coupon Code: AW50) for the first two months or a $75 discount (Coupon Code: AW75) for only 1 month.

Every new user gets a trial with 1000 free credits/views to use the platform. It is a great way to find out if AdSpy is a tool that suits your needs. I'm pretty sure it is.

$50 discount on AdSpy for the first 2 months

This is how it looks like when you register for AdSpy with the AW50 coupon to get a $50 discount for the first 2 months.

Watch out for fake AdSpy coupon codes, they claim higher discounts so they will get ranked higher in Google but they do not really work. Make sure to check our website for a verified coupon code of your favourite tool.

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100% Risk-Free with AdSpy Refund Policy

Coupon Code 2023

If you are not satisfied with AdSpy you can get a full refund within 24 hours of purchase. All you have to do is simply contact AdSpy by email or call +31 85001 3330 with your username and reason for cancellation.

Update 3 December 2020: It seems like they removed the link to the Refund Policy page so it might be that there is no refund possibility anymore. We will double-check with AdSpy and update shortly.

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What are the benefits of using AdSpy?

  • Biggest database  of Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads in the world
  • 17 Search Filters
  • Save Searches
  • 10 Sorting Methods
  • Instantly Download Ad Creatives  (Images and Videos)
  • Free Trial up to 6000 ad views with our AdSpy coupon
  • WH and BH Ads
  • Full Support
  • Custom Feature Request
  • Advice on Search Queries
  • API Access
  • Affiliate Program

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Disadvantages of AdSpy

  1. Unable to download Landing Pages - The major downside with AdSpy is that you do not have a function to directly download the landing pages. This is something other ads spy tools usually have. However, you can always resort to tools like LanderBolt to get the lander you want.
  2. No Device Type Filter - Another bummer, is you can not filter between Desktop or Mobile ads.
  3. No Exclusion Keywords - This is an important feature and we requested them to make it so hopefully you will see this functionality soon.

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AdSpy Competitors

Lately, more and more spy tools for Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads are popping up.

In other words, AdSpy has many competitors that are focused on Facebook Ads:

The top 3 biggest serious competitors of AdSpy are PowerAdspy, BigSpy, and AdPatrol. Obviously, AffiliateWeapons has a discount coupon code for these AdSpy competitors too, go check them out.

Recently, a new kid on the block appeared to compete: Dropispy, a spy tool focused on drop-shipping ads.

Nevertheless, AdSpy is still the winner amongst all those Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads Spy Tools.

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Exclusive Bonus + Cash-back From AffiliateWeapons

When you sign up for AdSpy through our link or coupon, you will receive an exclusive AdSpy bonus by email from us:

25 Landing Pages Bundle Pack

  • 10 Crypto Landers Tier 1 GEO
  • 5 Sweepstakes Landers
  • 5 Casino Landers
  • 5 Diet Landers

These landers are cleaned and ready to rumble and proven to convert. Just replace your  Tracking Links inside and you are ready to make good profits. Contact us to claim the landing pages bundle pack.

$25 Cash-back, just enter your email that you used to purchase AdSpy and we'll credit you $25 to a crypto address you provide.

$50 Facebook Ads Coupon When you register for the AdSpy coupon, fill in the Facebook Ad Coupon Request Form to get instructions on how to receive your Facebook Ad Coupon of $50. Afterward, we will verify if you registered with AdSpy before giving you access to the $50 Facebook Ads Credits.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Here we answer the most asked questions that we received from our readers.
How many AdSpy coupons can I claim?
You can only enter 1 AdSpy coupon per account. Our coupons can be redeemed for an unlimited amount, so you can share it with your friends and they will also get the discount and free trial.
What is the maximum discount I can get with an AdSpy coupon?
The maximum total discount is $100. Use the coupon AW50 to get a $50 discount per month.
Do you have an AdSpy coupon for free credits/trial?
Yes, use the coupon AW50 to get a free trial.
Is there an expiry date on the AdSpy coupon?
No, all of our AdSpy coupons are valid for an unlimited time.
Do I need to enter my credit card details to use the AdSpy coupon?
No, you do not need to enter your payment details to use the coupon.
Can I share the AdSpy coupon with my friend?
Yes, you can share the coupon with anyone you like and as many times as you want.
Do I need to have a Paypal account to redeem an AdSpy coupon?
No, you do not need a valid PayPal account in order to redeem an AdSpy coupon.
How can I confirm that the AdSpy coupon works, without having to pay?
When you enter the coupon, you immediately see a confirmation that it is valid. At this stage, you do not have to enter any payment details.
Can I combine AdSpy coupons to get more discounts?
No, you can only use one AdSpy coupon at a time.

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In order to take your online business to the next level, you should definitely get AdSpy with our coupon that gives you a free trial and discount, especially when you are in the e-commerce space.

Here is why, for three reasons: First, you save hours of time researching which ads work best, just download the winning ads from AdSpy for your niche/vertical. Second, you can combine the best qualities of multiple ads, to create unique super ads for Facebook and Instagram for a high conversion ratio. Third, we have 3 valid AdSpy coupons to get started at an affordable price:

$50 AdSpy Coupon

Use this coupon to get a $50 discount for the first two months. This is the best deal.

$75 AdSpy Coupon

Use this coupon to get a $75 discount on the first month only.

1000 Views Free Trial AdSpy Coupon

Use this coupon to get a free trial with access to all the features and view up to 1000 ads at no cost.

To conclude, AdSpy users have an unfair advantage in the online advertising industry.

What are you waiting for?

Grab Free AdSpy Trial

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AdSpy Coupon Details

Primary Category Spy Tools
Secondary Category Facebook Ads Spy
Monthly visits 295K
Affiliate Program Available
Active Coupons/Promotions 10
Date Published 2023-03-20 00:06:32
Date Modified 2025-03-28 15:49:15

Screenshot of AdSpy

Screenshot of the AdSpy website
Website of AdSpy (Image credits: AdSpy)
🎁 Discover the potential of AdSpy and get 1000 views for free!

Earn Commissions with the AdSpy Affiliate Program


Join the AdSpy Affiliate Program by creating an account...More

Join the AdSpy Affiliate Program by creating an account, then:

  • Verify your email address, and login
  • Go to the "Affiliate Program" which you can find in the footer links or under "Account" profile.
  • If you can't find it try looking for "Referral Program" or "Partner Program"
  • Less

🎁 Start strong with AdSpy - sign up and get 1000 views!
Pathaksa Tongpitak About the Author

Pathaksa Tongpitak

Pathaksa is an accomplished super affiliate and full-stack PHP developer with more than 15 years in the digital space and the founder of Throughout his career, he's empowered countless entrepreneurs and affiliates to optimize their online ventures through innovative solutions and strategic guidance. Beyond curating premium marketing deals, he dedicates himself to sharing industry insights while maintaining an extensive database of 6304+ verified promotions and discounts.