Today's coupons and deals on Stripo valid from March till April 2025

$191 Stripo Coupon (Pro Yearly Plan)

yearly discount Expires N/A
Click our link to join Stripo, then: Opt for yearly bil...More

Click our link to join Stripo, then:

  • Opt for yearly billing when checking out
  • Choose the Pro plan
  • Submit payment details
  • Take $191 off each year with Stripo

Get Deal
99.2 % Success

$90 Stripo Coupon (Medium Yearly Plan)

yearly discount Expires N/A
Follow our link to join Stripo, then: Opt for yearly pa...More

Follow our link to join Stripo, then:

  • Opt for yearly payments to checkout
  • Choose the Medium plan
  • Submit payment info
  • Get $90 off annually on Stripo

Get Deal
99.9 % Success

20% Stripo Discount Coupon [AW20]

Code Expires N/A
Sign up for Stripo through our link, then: Apply coupon...More

Sign up for Stripo through our link, then:

  • Apply coupon AW20 on payment page
  • Choose yearly billing
  • Complete payment details
  • Take 20% off your order

AW20 Get Code
96.7 % Success

$30 Stripo Coupon (Basic Yearly Plan)

yearly discount Expires N/A
Click our link and sign up for Stripo, then: Switch to ...More

Click our link and sign up for Stripo, then:

  • Switch to yearly payments when paying
  • Choose the Basic plan
  • Fill in payment info
  • Save $30 year over year on Stripo

Get Deal
95.7 % Success

Subscribe to Stripo and enjoy a gift of 5 test emails/day

Deal Expires N/A
Use our link for a no-cost Stripo account, then: Check ...More

Use our link for a no-cost Stripo account, then:

  • Check your inbox to confirm email
  • Receive 5 test emails/day gratis

Get Deal
93.8 % Success

Create a free Stripo acount with the freemium plan.

freemium Expires N/A
Activate your Stripo account by signing up through our ...More

Activate your Stripo account by signing up through our link, then:

  • Confirm your email address
  • Opt for the freemium plan

Get Deal
95.5 % Success

Enjoy Stripo for the affordable rate of $15/mo

Deal Expires N/A
Use our link to step up to a premium Stripo plan for an...More

Use our link to step up to a premium Stripo plan for an affordable $15 Less

Get Deal
97.9 % Success

Pay 17% less for Stripo (Yearly Plan)

yearly discount Expires N/A
Sign up for Stripo through our link, then: Switch to an...More

Sign up for Stripo through our link, then:

  • Switch to annual billing on payment page
  • Complete payment details
  • Save 17% every year with Stripo

Get Deal
99.8 % Success

Stripo Coupons & Promo Highlights 2025

View the top Stripo coupon code or promo as of March 19th 2025. Plus, we list all other 8 Stripo coupons, freemium accounts and discounts for huge savings on your monthly or yearly plan.

🎁 Free Credits ➜ 5 test emails/day

We're excited to announce Stripo hands out 5 test emails/day to all new users, so register ASAP and don't miss out on the free credits.

🎟️ 20% Discount Coupon Code

Whenever you are ready to upgrade to a paid plan, make sure to enter the Stripo coupon code AW20 at the checkout to save 20% on your subscription. This is currently the best available coupon code online for Stripo that gives you the highest possible discount.

  • Coupon code: AW20
  • Discount: 20%
  • Eligible plans: any Stripo plan
Stripo website displayed on a Macbook
Stripo Coupon Offers Stripo Coupon Offer Details Stripo Promo Code Details
Stripo Discount Code 20% Stripo Discount Coupon [AW20] AW20
Stripo Free Credits Subscribe to Stripo and enjoy a gift of 5 test emails/day ACTIVATE
Stripo Cheapest Plan Enjoy Stripo for the affordable rate of $15/mo AW20
Stripo Yearly Discount Pay 17% less for Stripo (Yearly Plan) ACTIVATE
Stripo Deal $30 Stripo Coupon (Basic Yearly Plan) AW20
Stripo Deal $90 Stripo Coupon (Medium Yearly Plan) AW20
Stripo Offer $191 Stripo Coupon (Pro Yearly Plan) ACTIVATE
Stripo Freemium Offer Create a free Stripo acount with the freemium plan. AW20
🎁 Claim 5 test emails/day

🛍 20% Yearly Savings

At last, if you often go with Stripo and are satisfied enough to commit for one year, take advantage of the huge 20% savings per year for Stripo.

🏷️ Pricing Plans

Stripo offers the following pricing plans:

Price (monthly billing)$0$15$45$95
Price (monthly + coupon)$0.00$12.00$36.00$76.00
Price (yearly billing/mo)$0/mo$12.50/mo$37.50/mo$79.16/mo
Price (yearly total)$0$150$450$949.92
Yearly savings/mo$0$2.5$7.5$15.84
Yearly savings$0$30$90$190.08
Price (yearly + coupon)$0$120.00
SAVE $30.00
SAVE $90.00
SAVE $189.98
Coupon Discount (monthly)$0$5.00$15.00$31.67
Coupon CodeAW20AW20AW20AW20
Coupon Savings20%20%20%20%
Users 11310
Exports 450300Unlimited
Test emails a day 550100300
Stored Emails 1050300Unlimited
Premium Templates -YesYesYes
Sharing preview links -YesYesYes
Subscribe NowSubscribe NowSubscribe NowSubscribe Now

Monthly billing

Monthly Billing
Monthly pricing table for Stripo

Yearly billing

Yearly Billing
Yearly pricing table for Stripo

Stripo Coupon Review 2024

Welcome to our comprehensive and detailed Stripo review. Inside, you'll find screenshots showcasing all its features, along with exclusive coupons and special offers as a bonus. Learn everything you need to know about Stripo, including its functions, why it's essential for your online affiliate marketing campaigns, and how to make the most of the Stripo coupon.



At first glance, this is what the dashboard looks like after you're logged in:


Template Editor

Here's what the template editor looks like:

Template Editor

The UI looks very intuitive at first glance. You can start by easily adding content at various places, the template is by default divided into columns and rows.

12+ Available Elements

  • Image
  • Text
  • Button
  • Spacer
  • Social Network Icons
  • Custom HTML
  • Banner
  • Video
  • Timer
  • AMP Carousel
  • AMP Accordion
  • AMP Form


On the right side you have easily access to the message settings:

  • Subject/Title -  Speaks for itself, the subject of the email.
  • Hidden Preheader - This text shows up as a preview in email platforms that support it.
  • Annotate email for Gmail - This option works in Gmail on mobile devices only and is meant for email messages that get to the “Promotions” folder. Learn more on how to solve the problem with email messages getting to the “Promotions” folder.
  • UTM Parameters - This allows you to easily add campaign parameters to URLs after email template is exported from Stripo so you can track Custom Campaigns in Google Analytics.

Message Settings

Then, there's another tab for the general settings:

General Settings

In the top navigation there are some action buttons you can do:

  • Name Template
  • Save
  • Undo
  • Redo
  • Revert
  • Code
  • Preview
  • Test
  • Export
  • Share
  • Desktop View
  • Responsive Mobile View

Top Navigation

1496+ Pre-Built Premium Templates

Stripo boasts over 1496+ pre-built templates which you can access by clicking on "Prepared" in the sidebar:

Prebuild Templates

With this many templates, you can be sure there's a template for any holiday, occasion or goal to give you a head-start.

These premium templates are accessible to any paid plan, that means starting from $15 you have access to this massive template vault. Imagine how much time and money it will save you. That's worth every penny!

Template Filtering

You can filter the templates by the following 50+ types:

Abandoned CartAlerts & NotificationsApologyCold Emails
ConfirmationDiscountEmail DigestEvent Reminder
InternalInvitationNew CollectionOrder
Password ResetPost PurchaseProduct UpdatePromo
Retention & ReactivationSalesReferral EmailsSurvey & Feedback
Thank YouWelcomeRetargetingQuizzes
SignatureTransactionalStop the WarTeaser
Price ListComing SoonNewslettersCreative
CouponSocial ProofInvoiceRecruiting
DeliveryPersonal NoteAnnual ReviewAnnouncement
Product Launch AnnouncementTerms of UseMarketingLists
Customer ServiceB2BOutreachSaaS
Shipping DelayEmail FooterEmail HeaderTrial

and/or the following 70+ seasons/holidays:

Independence Day of UkraineDog DayMemorial DayMen’s Health Week
Mother's DayNational Waffle DayNew YearAnzac Day
April Fools' DayAustralia DayBack to SchoolBastille Day
BirthdayBlack FridayBlack History MonthBook Lovers Day
Buddha DayChinese New YearChristmasCinco de Mayo
Cyber MondayDay of the DeadDiwaliEarth Day
Earth HourEasterFashion weekFather's Day
FerragostoFirst day of fallFriday the 13th
Geek Pride DayGerman Unity DayGiving TuesdayGlobal Shopping Festival
Greenpeace DayHalloweenHanukkahIndependence Day
International Chocolate DayInternational Coffee DayInternational Day of FamiliesInternational Men's Day
International Nurses DayInternational Programmers' DayJuneteenthKurban Bayrami
LGBTQ Pride MonthLabor DayMardi GrasOctoberfest
Presidents' DayPurimRamadanShrove Monday
Small Business SaturdaySocial Media DaySpringSt. Patrick's Day
Valentine's DaySummer timeSuper BowlThanksgiving
Video Game DayThe Breast Cancer Awareness MonthWaitangi DayWedding Invitation
WinterWomen's DayWomen's Equality DayWorld Art Day
World Emoji DayWorld Environment DayWorld Meditation DayWorld Teachers' Day
World Tourism DayWorld Vegan Day  

and/or the following 40+ industries:

AgricultureInternational Cat DayAirlineArt Gallery
Auto & MotoBeauty & Personal CareBeveragesBooks & Presents & Stationery
Furniture Interior & DIYGadgetsGaming
Gifts & FlowersHand-madeHealth and WellnessHobbies
HotelsHuman ResourcesInsuranceJewelry
Kids GoodsLegalManufacturingMovies
MusicNo WarNonprofitOrganic & Eco Goods
PetsPhotographyPublications & BloggingReal Estate
RestaurantsSoftware & TechnologySport and FitnessTravel

and/or filter by one of the 15 features:

AMPAccordion MenuCSS AnimationsCarousel
Countdown timerImage RolloverVideoGamification
Smart-ElementsGIF animationTypographyForm
3D graphicPinkAI-powered 

Stripo's Unique Feature #1: 80+ ESP Integrations

Stripo is  integrated with over 80+ ESP integrations by allowing you to export the templates with just a single click.

You can integrate with the following ESP's:

Acoustic CampaignAct-OnActiveCampaignActiveTrail
AcumbamailAmazon PinpointAmazon SESAWeber
Benchmark EmailBirdSendBlueshiftBraze
BrevoCampaign MonitorClickSendConstant Contact
dotdigitalE-goiEcomailElastic Email
OngageOntraportOpenCRMOracle Eloqua
RetenoRuleSalesforce MCSendGrid
ZetaZoho CampaignsZoho MailZoho MarketingHub

Esp List

After selecting an ESP, it will ask for the API details which is different for each provider.

Additionally, you can also export the template to the following applications: Gmail, Outlook App, Outlook Web, Webhook and Zapier.

Or export to file in the following formats: AMPHTML, HTML, Image or PDF.

Stripo's Unique Feature #2: Plugin Support

Another unique feature for advanced users is the ability to create Stripo plugins:

Create Plugin

After creating a plugin name, you have access to tons of settings:

  • General Information
  • Application Keys
  • Interface Appearance
  • Image Gallery
  • Custom Modules
  • Merge Tags & Special Links
  • Font Management
  • Undo/Redo Actions
  • Basic Block Management
  • Advanced Controls
  • Server Settings
  • Artificial Intelligence


Stripo offers the following add-ons that you can purchase at any time:

  • Extra Email Clients Tests - $20/10 email clients tests
  • Extra Exports - $5/10 exports
  • Extra Timer Views - $15/200k timer views
  • Extra Users - $7/1 users

Keep in mind, the cost are recurring and will be added to your monthly/yearly bill.



I am very impressed with Stripo as an email template builder. The user interface is very smooth and easy to use.

It's great that they offer a free plan where you can try out the whole template builder. There are no premium features you have to pay for, except for premium templates and sharing preview links.

With the free plan, you get access to all the features to test up to 5 emails per day. That's enough to decide if this email builder works well for you.

1496+ Premium Templates
Stripo shines with its vast selection of over 1,496 premium, ready-to-use email templates for any occasion. Available with any paid plan starting at just $15 per month, it's a steal to access this many high-quality templates.

Starts at $15
To send a lot of emails, you need to pay for the Pro plan, which costs $95 per month. It is the most expensive plan. If you use another service to send the emails, you can get the cheaper Basic plan for $15 per month. The Basic plan still lets you use the great template builder tool to design your emails.

20% Yearly Discounts
If you want to continue using Stripo for one year, there is a 20% discount. You don't need a coupon code. Just choose the annual plan, and the 20% discount will be automatically applied.

Stripo Coupons
Stripo offers discount coupons just once a year, on Black Friday. Be sure to check this page when the coupons become available so you don't miss out.

Create Free Stripo Account

Stripo Coupon Details

Primary Category Email Marketing
Monthly visits 620K
Affiliate Program Available
Active Coupons/Promotions 8
Promotion Code AW20 (20% off)
Coupon Code Stacks on Yearly Discount Yes
Date Published 2024-01-15 12:05:29
Date Modified 2025-03-19 09:08:20

Screenshot of Stripo

Screenshot of the Stripo website
Website of Stripo (Image credits: Stripo)
🎁 Unlock success with Stripo and 5 test emails/day on sign up!

FAQ About Stripo Coupons & Deals

How many Stripo coupons can I claim?

💡 You can only enter 1 Stripo coupon per account. Use the Stripo coupon code "AW20" at the checkout. Click on "Add promotion code", then enter our exclusive coupon code AW20 and click "Apply". Our coupons can be redeemed for an unlimited amount unless specified otherwise, so you can share it with your friends and they will also get the discount or free trial.

Does Stripo offer a freemium plan?

✅ Yes, you can try Stripo for free, forever with limited features.

Try it out with this link:

  1. Subscribe to Stripo and enjoy a gift of 5 test emails/day
  2. Create a free Stripo acount with the freemium plan.

Do you have a Stripo coupon/deal for free credits or a trial?

✅ Yes, luckily we have arranged some Stripo deals for a free trial/freemium account.

Check them out below:

  1. Subscribe to Stripo and enjoy a gift of 5 test emails/day

Is there an unlimited plan available for Stripo?

✅ Yes, Stripo Pro has the following unlimited features:
  • Exports
  • Stored Emails

Does Stripo have a yearly discount deal?

✅ Yes, you can save money on Stripo when you subscribe to a yearly plan.

Take a look right here:

  1. Pay 17% less for Stripo (Yearly Plan)
  2. $30 Stripo Coupon (Basic Yearly Plan)
  3. $90 Stripo Coupon (Medium Yearly Plan)
  4. $191 Stripo Coupon (Pro Yearly Plan)

Stripo Lifetime deal, does it exist?

🚫 Unfortunately, Stripo does not have any lifetime deal. Any site that claims to have it are bogus. Any Stripo lifetime deal promotion is fake and dishonest sites use it as a bait to get you clicking on their affiliate links.

Is there any special offer or bonus when I sign up for Stripo?

🚫 Unfortunately, Stripo does not have a promotion when you sign up.

Does Stripo have a special promotion for students?

🚫 Unfortunately, Stripo does not have a promotion for students.

Is there an expiry date on the Stripo coupon?

💡 With the exception of season offers, all of our promo deals and coupons for Stripo are available for an unlimited amount of time and do not expire.

Does Stripo offer a money back guarantee?

🚫 Unfortunately, Stripo does not publicly disclose that they have money back guarantee. However, you could still ask them nicely for a refund, if you are not satisfied with their service.

Can I use the Stripo coupon without entering my credit card details?

✅ Yes, you do not need to enter your payment details to take advantage of the free credits/trial.

Am I allowed to share the Stripo coupon with my friend?

✅ Yes, you can share the Stripo coupon with anyone you like and as many times as you want. It is allowed and the coupon is not exclusively for one person.

Can I pay with Paypal for a Stripo subscription?

🚫 No, unfortunately Stripo does not accept PayPal payments.

How can I confirm that the Stripo coupon is valid, without having to pay?

💡 When you enter the coupon, you instantly see a confirmation that it is valid. At this stage, you do not have to enter any payment details. Sometimes, it will immediately show the discount on the page when you open one of our special offer links.

Can I combine Stripo coupons to get more discounts?

🚫 No, you can only use one Stripo coupon at a time. However, you can stack the coupon on a yearly discount to save even more on Stripo.

Does Stripo have an affiliate program?

✅ Yes,you can create an account with Stripo, then verify your email. Once you are logged in, look for the "Affiliate Program" website. Sometimes it's called "Referral Program" or "Partner Program".

I have a question about Stripo, can you help me?

✅ Sure, just submit your question on our contact page and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Is it possible to submit a coupon or special promotion for Stripo?

✅ Definitely, you can use the form below to submit your coupon for Stripo. We kindly request you to submit only valid coupons. If you are the site owner and would like to be listed with your app/service, you can use the contact form and we'll be in touch with you.

Earn Commissions with the Stripo Affiliate Program


Join the Stripo Affiliate Program by creating an accoun...More

Join the Stripo Affiliate Program by creating an account, then:

  • Verify your email address, and login
  • Go to the "Affiliate Program" which you can find in the footer links or under "Account" profile.
  • If you can't find it try looking for "Referral Program" or "Partner Program"
  • Less

🎁 Pay for Stripo a Year in Advance and Get 20% Off Your Purchase
Pathaksa Tongpitak About the Author

Pathaksa Tongpitak

Pathaksa is an accomplished super affiliate and full-stack PHP developer with more than 15 years in the digital space and the founder of Throughout his career, he's empowered countless entrepreneurs and affiliates to optimize their online ventures through innovative solutions and strategic guidance. Beyond curating premium marketing deals, he dedicates himself to sharing industry insights while maintaining an extensive database of 6304+ verified promotions and discounts.