Today's coupons and deals on GPTZero valid from March till April 2025

20% GPTZero Coupon

Code Expires N/A
Use our link to sign up for GPTZero, then: Enter coupon...More

Use our link to sign up for GPTZero, then:

  • Enter coupon code AW20 at the checkout page
  • Complete your payment details
  • Enjoy 20% discount on GPTZero

AW20 Get Code
98.2 % Success

$144 GPTZero Coupon (Professional Yearly Plan)

yearly discount Expires N/A
Click our link to join GPTZero, then: Opt for yearly bi...More

Click our link to join GPTZero, then:

  • Opt for yearly billing when checking out
  • Choose the Professional plan
  • Submit payment details
  • Take $144 off each year with GPTZero

Get Deal
97.5 % Success

$144 GPTZero Coupon (Professional Yearly Plan)

yearly discount Expires N/A
Click our link to join GPTZero, then: Opt for yearly bi...More

Click our link to join GPTZero, then:

  • Opt for yearly billing when checking out
  • Choose the Professional plan
  • Submit payment details
  • Take $144 off each year with GPTZero

Get Deal
95.2 % Success

$108 GPTZero Coupon (Premium Yearly Plan)

yearly discount Expires N/A
Tap our link to subscribe to GPTZero, then: Select annu...More

Tap our link to subscribe to GPTZero, then:

  • Select annual payments at checkout
  • Choose the Premium plan
  • Add your payment
  • Receive $108 off every year on GPTZero

Get Deal
94.5 % Success

$60 GPTZero Coupon (Essential Yearly Plan)

yearly discount Expires N/A
Follow our link to register for GPTZero, then: Change t...More

Follow our link to register for GPTZero, then:

  • Change to annual payments on the payment page
  • Choose the Essential plan
  • Enter your payment info
  • Get $60 off per year with GPTZero

Get Deal
95.3 % Success

Claim 10000 credits for free with GPTZero

free credits Expires N/A
Use our link to get access to a free GPTZero account, t...More

Use our link to get access to a free GPTZero account, then:

  • Confirm your email address
  • Get 10000 credits for free

Claim Credits
98.1 % Success

Sign up for a GPTZero freemium account.

freemium Expires N/A
Get started with GPTZero by using our link to sign up, ...More

Get started with GPTZero by using our link to sign up, then:

  • Confirm your email address
  • Select the freemium plan

98 % Success

Get started with GPTZero for $15/mo

Deal Expires N/A
Use our link to upgrade to a paid GPTZero plan for just...More

Use our link to upgrade to a paid GPTZero plan for just $15 Less

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96.2 % Success

Save 33% on GPTZero (Yearly Plan)

yearly discount Expires N/A
Use our link to sign up for GPTZero, then: Switch to ye...More

Use our link to sign up for GPTZero, then:

  • Switch to yearly billing at the checkout page
  • Complete your payment details
  • Save 33% per year on GPTZero

Get Deal
98.3 % Success
Author: Pathaksa Tongpitak by Pathaksa Tongpitak

Table of contents

  1. Text Scan
  2. Batch Upload
  3. Team Management

GPTZero Coupons & Promo Highlights 2025

Check out the greatest GPTZero coupon code or promo as of March 21st 2025. Plus, we list all other 9 GPTZero coupons, trials and discounts for maximum discount on your monthly or yearly subscription.

🎁 Free Credits ➜ 10000 credits

Luckily, GPTZero offers 10000 credits for every new user, so make sure to sign up now while the free credits offer is still ongoing.

🎟️ 20% Discount Coupon Code

Whenever you are ready to upgrade to a paid plan, make sure to enter the GPTZero coupon code AW20 at the checkout to save 20% on your subscription. This is currently the best available coupon code online for GPTZero that gives you the highest possible discount.

  • Coupon code: AW20
  • Discount: 20%
  • Eligible plans: any GPTZero plan
GPTZero website displayed on a Macbook
GPTZero Coupon Offers GPTZero Coupon Offer Details GPTZero Promo Code Details
GPTZero Discount Code 20% GPTZero Coupon AW20
GPTZero Cheapest Plan Get started with GPTZero for $15/mo ACTIVATE
GPTZero Yearly Discount Save 33% on GPTZero (Yearly Plan) AW20
GPTZero Offer $60 GPTZero Coupon (Essential Yearly Plan) AW20
GPTZero Deal $108 GPTZero Coupon (Premium Yearly Plan) AW20
GPTZero Promo $144 GPTZero Coupon (Professional Yearly Plan) ACTIVATE
GPTZero Free Credits Sign up for a GPTZero freemium account. ACTIVATE
GPTZero Deal $144 GPTZero Coupon (Professional Yearly Plan) AW20
GPTZero Freemium 🎁 Claim 10000 credits for free with GPTZero AW20
🎁 Claim 10000 credits

🛍 33% Yearly Savings

If you heavily use GPTZero and you decide to upgrade to a yearly plan, then take advantage of the 33% discount when switching to yearly billing on GPTZero.

🏷️ Pricing Plans

GPTZero offers the following pricing plans:

Price (monthly billing)$0$15$24$35
Price (monthly + coupon)$0.00$12.00$19.20$28.00
Price (yearly billing/mo)$0/mo$10/mo$16/mo$23/mo
Price (yearly total)$0$120$192$276
Yearly savings/mo$0$5$8$12
Yearly savings$0$60$96$144
Price (yearly + coupon)$0$96.00
SAVE $24.00
SAVE $38.40
SAVE $55.20
Coupon Discount (monthly)$0$7.00$11.20$16.60
Coupon CodeAW20AW20AW20AW20
Coupon Savings20%20%20%20%
Words Per Month 100k150k300k500k
Premium AI Detection Models YesYesYesYes
Batch File Scanning 10 Files YesYesYesYes
Chrome Extension YesYesYesYes
Premium View --YesYes
Writing Feedback --YesYes
Plagiarism Scanning --YesYes
Advanced Data Security ---Yes
Team Members ---Yes
Subscribe NowSubscribe NowSubscribe NowSubscribe Now

Monthly billing

Monthly Billing
Monthly pricing table for GPTZero

Yearly billing

Yearly Billing
Yearly pricing table for GPTZero

Text Scan

New Scan

Scan Options

Before running a text scan with GPTZero you have the ability to turn on several options:

  • Basic Scan: This checks if your writing was made by AI. It's the best all-purpose test they have.
  • Deep Scan:This looks at your writing really closely, checking each sentence one by one.
  • Plagiarism Scan:This figures out how much of your writing is copied vs. original.
  • Writing Feedback:This gives you tips and suggestions to make your writing better.
  • Multilingual detection:This can now check for AI-generated writing in Spanish and French too, not just English. You can ask them to add more languages if you need.

Batch Upload

Batch Upload

Team Management

Team Management

GPTZero's team management feature offers benefits for different user roles within an organization:


  • As an admin, you have complete control over your team's access to GPTZero.
  • You can easily add, remove, or modify user accounts and their permissions.
  • This allows you to manage your team efficiently and ensure that each member has the appropriate level of access.


  • As a manager, you can oversee the work of your team members within GPTZero.
  • You can assign tasks, monitor progress, and provide feedback to your team.
  • This helps you effectively manage projects and ensure that your team is working productively.


  • As a user, you have access to the features and tools you need to complete your work within GPTZero.
  • You can collaborate with your team members, share files, and communicate easily.
  • This streamlines your workflow and allows you to focus on your tasks without unnecessary distractions.

Overall, GPTZero's team management feature simplifies the process of managing and collaborating with your team, making it easier for everyone to work together efficiently and effectively.

GPTZero Coupon Details

Primary Category AI Detector
Monthly visits 8783K
Affiliate Program Available
Active Coupons/Promotions 9
Promotion Code AW20 (20% off)
Coupon Code Stacks on Yearly Discount Yes
Date Published 2024-01-11 08:36:49
Date Modified 2025-03-21 12:48:34

Screenshot of GPTZero

Screenshot of the GPTZero website
Website of GPTZero (Image credits: GPTZero)
🎁 Discover the potential of GPTZero and get 10000 credits for free!

FAQ About GPTZero Coupons & Deals

How many GPTZero coupons can I claim?

💡 You can only enter 1 GPTZero coupon per account. Use the GPTZero coupon code "AW20" at the checkout. Click on "Add promotion code", then enter our exclusive coupon code AW20 and click "Apply". Our coupons can be redeemed for an unlimited amount unless specified otherwise, so you can share it with your friends and they will also get the discount or free trial.

Does GPTZero offer a freemium plan?

✅ Yes, you can try GPTZero for free, forever with limited features.

Try it out with this link:

  1. Sign up for a GPTZero freemium account.
  2. Claim 10000 credits for free with GPTZero

Do you have a GPTZero coupon/deal for free credits or a trial?

✅ Yes, luckily we have arranged some GPTZero deals for a free trial/freemium account.

Check them out below:

  1. Claim 10000 credits for free with GPTZero

Does GPTZero have a yearly discount deal?

GPTZero Lifetime deal, does it exist?

🚫 Unfortunately, GPTZero does not have any lifetime deal. Any site that claims to have it are bogus. Any GPTZero lifetime deal promotion is fake and dishonest sites use it as a bait to get you clicking on their affiliate links.

Is there any special offer or bonus when I sign up for GPTZero?

✅ Yes, you can take advantage of our special offer when you sign up for GPTZero.

Take advantage of it here:

  1. Sign up for a GPTZero freemium account.

Does GPTZero have a special promotion for students?

🚫 Unfortunately, GPTZero does not have a promotion for students.

Is there an expiry date on the GPTZero coupon?

💡 With the exception of season offers, all of our promo deals and coupons for GPTZero are available for an unlimited amount of time and do not expire.

Does GPTZero offer a money back guarantee?

🚫 Unfortunately, GPTZero does not publicly disclose that they have money back guarantee. However, you could still ask them nicely for a refund, if you are not satisfied with their service.

Can I use the GPTZero coupon without entering my credit card details?

🚫 No, you have to enter your payment details to use the coupon. If it is a trial, there might be a credit card charge which will be refunded after the trial period is over and you decided not to subscribe.

Am I allowed to share the GPTZero coupon with my friend?

✅ Yes, you can share the GPTZero coupon with anyone you like and as many times as you want. It is allowed and the coupon is not exclusively for one person.

Can I pay with Paypal for a GPTZero subscription?

🚫 No, unfortunately GPTZero does not accept PayPal payments.

How can I confirm that the GPTZero coupon is valid, without having to pay?

💡 When you enter the coupon, you instantly see a confirmation that it is valid. At this stage, you do not have to enter any payment details. Sometimes, it will immediately show the discount on the page when you open one of our special offer links.

Can I combine GPTZero coupons to get more discounts?

🚫 No, you can only use one GPTZero coupon at a time. However, you can stack the coupon on a yearly discount to save even more on GPTZero.

Does GPTZero have an affiliate program?

✅ Yes,you can create an account with GPTZero, then verify your email. Once you are logged in, look for the "Affiliate Program" website. Sometimes it's called "Referral Program" or "Partner Program".

I have a question about GPTZero, can you help me?

✅ Sure, just submit your question on our contact page and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Is it possible to submit a coupon or special promotion for GPTZero?

✅ Definitely, you can use the form below to submit your coupon for GPTZero. We kindly request you to submit only valid coupons. If you are the site owner and would like to be listed with your app/service, you can use the contact form and we'll be in touch with you.

Earn Commissions with the GPTZero Affiliate Program


Join the GPTZero Affiliate Program by creating an accou...More

Join the GPTZero Affiliate Program by creating an account, then:

  • Verify your email address, and login
  • Go to the "Affiliate Program" which you can find in the footer links or under "Account" profile.
  • If you can't find it try looking for "Referral Program" or "Partner Program"
  • Less

🎁 Get 33% Off GPTZero with an Annual Subscription Today!
Pathaksa Tongpitak About the Author

Pathaksa Tongpitak

Pathaksa is an accomplished super affiliate and full-stack PHP developer with more than 15 years in the digital space and the founder of Throughout his career, he's empowered countless entrepreneurs and affiliates to optimize their online ventures through innovative solutions and strategic guidance. Beyond curating premium marketing deals, he dedicates himself to sharing industry insights while maintaining an extensive database of 6304+ verified promotions and discounts.