Affiliate Disclosure: This page may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase through these links, I may earn a commission at no extra cost to you. Plus this helps me to stay motivated to bring more quality content for you. Rest assured, this doesn't affect the price you pay.

Two weeks ago we started sending our Back Button traffic to Monetizer with Push collection enabled and these are the stats:

Our Monetizer stats on Push as of today

How To Enable Push Collection on Monetizer?

Just create a link as always and enable the following option:

Make sure you enable the option "Optimise for Push Subscription Collection"

Here are some more stats

As you can see we send 703k visits and we got 8499 conversions so that is a Conversion Rate of 1.21%.

Our total revenue is $694.06. On average we get paid $0.08 per subscription.

Not bad for just back button traffic.

How To Redirect Your Back Button Traffic?

Use the following JavaScript code to redirect visitors when they click the Back Button. Replace {backbutton_url} with your own URL.

! function () {
         var t;
         try {
             const URL = window.location.href.split(/[#]/)[0];
             for (t = 0; 10 > t; ++t) history.pushState({}, "", URL+'#')
             onpopstate = function(event){
                 event.state && location.replace('{backbutton_url}');
         } catch (o) { console.log( o ); }

Sign up for Monetizer and start generated recurring revenue now!

It's definitely the best Back Button Monetization technology at the moment.

Pathaksa Tongpitak About the Author

Pathaksa Tongpitak

Pathaksa Tongpitak is an accomplished super affiliate and full-stack developer with more than 15 years in the digital space and the founder of Throughout his career, he's empowered countless entrepreneurs and affiliates to optimize their online ventures through innovative solutions and strategic guidance. Beyond curating premium marketing deals, he dedicates himself to sharing industry insights while maintaining an extensive database of 6304+ verified promotions and discounts.
Connect with me at Visit Affiliate Weapons X profile Visit Pathaksa Tongpitak's LinkedIn profile Visit Affiliate Weapons YouTube Channel