Hello folks,
My name is Pathaksa Tongpitak and I am the owner 🎩 of AffiliateWeapons.com
I am an affiliate marketer for more than 15 years and decided to start a WordPress site in November 2016.
Back then, I wanted to create a site about a topic that I am passionate about, and that is Affiliate Marketing.
It is way easier to create content about a topic you are interested in and have knowledge about as it makes writing the articles and content come naturally.
Therefore, I decided to make a coupon site about tools & services that I use myself, and that is how AffiliateWeapons.com was born.
Remember what they say: "During a gold rush, sell shovels", a quote by Mark Twain. Sounds a bit cliche right , but it works.
Update 2023: Migrating WordPress to a Custom CMS
In the next sub section I'm talking about how I started this site using WordPress. As of 2023, I moved away from WordPress as my website was compromised due to a vulnerability in one of the WordPress Plugins I was using. First I created a HTML only version and it remained static for almost two years, I didn't update anything. After these two years, I finally decided to create a custom content management system for it using Backpack for Laravel. I should have done this earlier because it only took me one weekend to complete it. Now it's even more advanced then when I was using WordPress. It's much faster as well. I don't have to rely on many different plugins and expose my site to many potential attacking vectors from multiple vendors. Even few days ago, an XSS exploit was found affecting more than 2 million wordpress sites. As you can see, it really pays of to get rid of WordPress. Read below how I started this website using WordPress. Keep in mind that as of now I would not recommend to use WordPress for advanced users. But if you are just starting out to learn about blogging, then it should be fine. Just make sure you keep updating your plugins and use a backup solution like WP Reset.
WordPress Era
I use the same WordPress theme as when I started and bought it from ThemeForest, a popular site where you can purchase WordPress Themes and Plugins.
The name of the theme is WP Coupon but unfortunately not available any more on Themeforest. However, you can still buy the Site Template.
4 years later, AffiliateWeapons.com features 225+ coupons and deals for more than 200 sites. These are stats that I am very proud of.
The website received over 256,251 page views with over 90% organic visitors.
The most popular coupons that people are looking for on my website are the AdSpy Coupon, Anstrex Coupon, and theLanderBolt Coupon.
I use the following WordPress Plugins on AffiliateWeapons.com that I personally recommend if you are running a WordPress site too:
- All-in-One WP Migration
- Copyscape Premium
- Custom Sidebars
- ExactMetrics Pro
- Imagify
- Insert Headers & Footers
- Jetpack by WordPress
- OneSignal Push Notifications
- Redirection
- Sucuri Security
- Thrive Leads
- weForms Pro
- WordPress Popular Posts
- WP Rocket
- WP Reset
- Yoast SEO Premium
For SEO, now I would use Rank Math Pro instead of Yoast SEO Premium but I'm a bit worried it will break my site if I replace it now.
For backups, I would use WP Reset instead of All-in-One WP Migration because it allows you to make snapshots automatically and easily revert changes in plugins.
Check out my WP Reset Review to learn more about it.
Hopefully you enjoy visiting my website as much as I enjoy creating it .
Feel free to to contact ? me if you have any questions or business inquiries.